Guiding Spirit Organic Garden

The seasons are slowly changing here in Florida. I think I felt the slight dip in humidity during my walk down the garden path this morning(currently made of mulch and bumpy for a wheelchair). I have taken to making a routine of venturing out into the garden in the mornings where the morning rush on I-4 is starting to peak. It’s odd being so close to nature yet a hop skip and jump from one of the largest highways in Florida. Though in the garden it feels like a different world.

A brown squirrell hanging upside down from the tree branch stealing bird seed.

We found the suspect of the massive amount of missing bird seed. This little guy has made a small home for themselves within the garden, munching on birdseed meant for the various birds visiting the garden.

Garden Day

Our very first garden day that will take place on

Saturday September 30th, 2023

8AM – 12PM


Announcement for the garden day on September 30, 2023

We need volunteers for our garden clean up day. There are many trees both living and fallen that need to be removed as well as miscellaneous garbage and debris to clean up. You’ll want to wear decent shoes and comfortable clothes.

Prepare to get zen with nature and sweat!

Sign up to volunteer on our website.

If you are unable to come on the 30th but still want to help, there is a donate button on the website and a list of items needed for the clean-up.