World Earth Day

The community showed tremendous enthusiasm during our World Earth Day celebration on April 20th. The event was a delightful gathering of families and friends in the garden, where they were treated to music by volunteer DJs Joey Jam and Johnny. The garden buzzed with various activities, attracting many participants.     A standout feature was […]

January Open Garden Day

The start of 2024 is going off with a bit of a chill in the air. Many new faces joined in on our January Open Garden Day. We hosted our very first group volunteer. Seven members of West Florida Flames youth soccer team came out to the garden along with Randy Grosglass to help with […]

Open Garden

When I first started developing the mission and purpose of the garden, I did not foresee the sheer transformation the garden property has gone through this year. Every day I’ve been going along the trails. I find my mind ease with gentle cool breezes of Florida fall and blooming the colorful flowers. Along with the […]

Inaugural Garden Day

The inaugural Garden Day held on September 30th was a resounding success, drawing eco-conscious enthusiasts. I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to John Esposito and Home Depot for their generous donation of the RYOBI chainsaw, the two-wheel wheelbarrow, and all essential gardening equipment for the event. Their contributions enabled us to tackle the […]

Garden Day

Announcement for the garden day on September 30, 2023

The seasons are slowly changing here in Florida. I think I felt the slight dip in humidity during my walk down the garden path this morning(currently made of mulch and bumpy for a wheelchair). I have taken to making a routine of venturing out into the garden in the mornings where the morning rush on […]

Into the Garden – Accessing the Property

  Over the last month, we made a small dent in accessing the property. We made a trail path of mulch to stroll through part of the garden. Our cats love it and have been following us, posing along the way as we seek out other parts of the property. We placed one of the […]

Commencing Garden Development

Welcome to the garden! We have exciting news to share. Guiding Spirit Organic Garden has a home thanks to the wonderful people at Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County. The past few months we have been filling the paperwork to establish Guiding Spirit Organic Garden INC. as an official non-profit organization. Habitat for Humanity of […]