The start of 2024 is going off with a bit of a chill in the air. Many new faces joined in on our January Open Garden Day. We hosted our very first group volunteer. Seven members of West Florida Flames youth soccer team came out to the garden along with Randy Grosglass to help with several projects around the garden.


One of these projects was to plant several fruit trees which will provide fruit within a year or so. We planted pomegranate, papaya, and avocado (which might take a few years).




Our next Open Garden Day is February 17th, 2024. If you are interested in volunteering or visiting the garden on Open Garden Day, please fill out the registration form to save your spot in the garden. We have a max capacity of 15 people per Open Garden Day. Private tours are available.



If you or your company are interested in organizing a group to volunteer in the garden, please see our new form here and we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule a company group day.



Free plant to all who visit the garden.



On the other side of the gate.


Mind, Body and Spirit